Why Switch to the B.A.R.F. Diet

Feeding your dog nothing else but raw meaty bones, organ meat, vegetables, fruit, grain, raw eggs, and other raw dog food ingredients mixed at certain proportions requires a little more planning and preparing on your part. However, the results, as attested to by many dog owners who have embrace the B.A.R.F. diet, are highly noticeable and very satisfying.

 Raw feeding as in B.A.R.F. guarantees dog food nutrition at optimum levels, maybe even better than processed pet foods available in the market. Diet plans under this program are easily customizable to suit the needs of you pet dog. Take a look at the following common benefits cited by pet owners whose dogs are on B.A.R.F.:

 Dogs will surely look forward to feeding time because raw meaty bones and organic foods are what their bodies and palates crave for the same way as in their wild ancestors.

 You make up dog food recipes yourself so you are sure that the meals you prepare for your dogs are nutritionally balanced and one hundred percent fresh.

 Raw foods are intrinsically healthier compared to processed pet food. Another characteristic of raw bones is that they help improve your dog’s dental health. You can easily notice that your pet has sweeter smelling breath and its teeth and gums a lot cleaner. Dog poop also becomes odorless.

 Because B.A.R.F. helps you feed your pets the natural way, it is healthier and therefore does not need frequent visits to the vet. Dogs on this type of diet have shown more vigor, healthier appetites and body weight, and improved sharpness. They are also less prone to animal diseases like arthritis, hip problems, and allergies.

With this type of diet, you are in complete control. You can experiment with various recipes to make sure that your dog looks forward to the next feeding time.